All Saints Church Birchington – Boiler Replacement


All Saints Church, a picturesque historic landmark in the centre of Birchington was facing issues with its aging gas boiler and system. The existing boiler, located in a below ground plant room had become inefficient and costly to maintain. Additionally, concerns were raised about its environmental impact and compliance with modern safety standards. To address these challenges, the church committee decided to undertake a comprehensive upgrade of their heating system.


The primary objective of this project was to replace the outdated gas boiler with a modern, energy efficient system while minimising disruption to the church’s activities and preserving its architectural integrity. Key considerations included cost effectiveness, ease of maintenance, compliance with building regulations and extending the warranty for added peace of mind.


After careful assessment and consultation with the church committee, it was decided to proceed with the following steps:

1. Isolation, Drainage and decommissioning

The existing gas boiler was isolated, drained, decommissioned and safely dismantled by our qualified team of engineers. This process involved meticulous planning to ensure minimal disruption to the church’s operations.

2. Installation of Worcester GB162 65KW Boiler

A Worcester GB162 65KW boiler, suitable for light commercial use, was selected for its energy efficiency and ease of maintenance. The installation included a TL1 boiler mounting frame and a low energy Worcester modulating pump, ensuring optimal performance and longevity.

3. Flue Liner Installation

A Poujoulat flue liner was installed in the existing chimney using scaffolding, avoiding the need for invasive methods such as coring or making holes in the church`s wall face. This approach minimised disruption and preserved the buildings aesthetics.

4. Ventilation Enhancement

A new vent was created on top of the main entrance door to provide proper ventilation for the new boiler, ensuring safe and efficient operation.

5. Pipe Work and Heat Exchanger Connection

New pipe work was installed to connect the boiler mounting frame to the heat exchanger, incorporating an Adey Magnaclean dual XP filter for enhanced protection against debris. Existing flow and return pipe work were connected to the plate heat exchanger, and additional Adey Magnaclean systems were installed for comprehensive filtration.

6. Condensate Management

A condense pump was installed to efficiently manage condensate, with discharge directed into a gully. This solution, compliant with Worcester`s guidelines, eliminated the need for a soakaway and simplified maintenance requirements.

7. Electrical Connection and Controls Integration

The new boiler was connected to the existing electrical supply and controls, ensuring seamless integration with the church’s heating system.

8. Testing and Commissioning

After installation, thorough testing and adjustment of the boiler controls were carried out to ensure optimal performance. Central heating water was treated with a corrosion/protecting inhibitor, and we tested the gas supply to ensure compliance and safety.

9. Certification and Warranty Extension

Upon completion, the boiler installation was registered with Gas Safe, and the church received a certificate confirming compliance with building regulations. Additionally, as approved Worcester installers, the warranty for the boiler was extended to 5 years, providing added value and peace of mind to the church.


The successful implementation of the gas boiler replacement and upgrade project provided All Saints Church with a modern, energy efficient heating system which meets the highest safety and environmental standards. By utilising advanced technology, the church was able to minimise disruption to its activities and preserve the architectural integrity of its historic building. With extended warranty coverage and simplified maintenance requirements, the new boiler system ensures reliable performance and cost effectiveness for years to come, enhancing the comfort and well-being of parishioners and visitors alike.

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